7 September 2011

Changing Blogger Mobile Template

The Blogger Mobile templates is something pretty cool, and blogger provides you with 27 mobile templates to choose from. You cannot completely customize the mobile template(as of now) but you can pick any of the available templates.
All of these templates come with Post Thumbnails, and a custom excerpt rendered using the data:post.thumbnailUrl and data:post.snippet variables. These templates also support the swipe navigation. You can swipe left and right to move across pages on your Touch screen mobile
Here is a preview of how this Blog looks on a Samsung Galaxy S2
Lets see how we can change the blogger mobile template
1. Login to Blogger in Draft : http://draft.blogger.com
2. Go to the Template Section
3. Click on that button below the mobile version
3. From the next screen you will be able to enable the mobile template, and select the template which you like. Use the dropdown and the slider to pick the perfect template
4. When you are done selecting the template, Click the Save button.
You might have noticed a QR code on the Template Selection Screen. Scanning this from your mobile will take you directly to the mobile version of your blog.
If you visit your blog from your mobile, you should be automatically taken to the mobile version of your blog.


  1. Hi! Thanks for the instructions. Changing Blogger Mobile Template is just easy, it only needs exploration. This post will truly help anyone who doesn't know how to do it.


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