You were wondering how to make that wallpaper? Well it's here now, a little big but not hard to follow Tutorial, you will learn everything from the liquid to the blending of the iPhone Apps. In the end you will have a piece like mine. Remember experiment, be creative too.
What you'll need:
Credits of this Tutorial:
- Artist: Duarte Pires
- Website:
Create a new Document name it Liquid, make sure you use 2560x1600 or not everything will work like in mine.
Create a new layer and name it BG, get the gradient tool (G) and go to the gradient tool options, there put this values and save this as "Basic Gradient". After that go to your document again and do a Radial Gradient with your current options to make the background, I made from the left to the right.
The Liquid
It's very simple to make this effect, just pick up your Pen-Tool (P) do a selection like I did or something similiar, just make sure you have a nice perspective. Fill it with "f445ac" (don't mind the blue color in the image below).
Go to the Blending Options and use these settings:(click them) Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Bevel and Emboss, for the contour use 89% default. Make more cut's in the middle of the liquid.. add some little bubbles outside to make it more real, pay attention to the next pictures to see how I did.
Get your iPhone PSD here. Now simply place the "front" in your document, remove the Drop Shadow layer, the Reflection layer and duplicate the Shadow layer. Also right click the "front" Folder and select Merge Group to make this only one Layer.
This is what we have so far, see the cut's I did in the middle of the liquid? And the little bubbles I was talking about? It's easy select your liquid layer and make small selections inside the liquid, hit delete and that's it.
Go to Illustrator and create a new document 800x600 is good and make some strokes like I did below, make sure the fill color is set to NONE and the stroke color is "425e71".
Go to Object -> Blend -> Make and that's done, ctrl+c or command+c and paste this to your iphone document, name this layer "Flow".
Go to Blending Options and use this settings: Gradient Overlay.
I also used this gradient, you don't need to be exact like this.. try to find similiar colors. And lower the opacity of this layer to about 70%.
Ok now see our Strokes there? follow that path and make a selection like I did.
Great now do the same for some of the paths there, like I did here. Remember you are completly free, Experiment, create something different!
Dont' Forget the Other Side!
The Falling LiquidOk maybe the hardest part is now, I use a Wacom tablet it's much easier to give some soft shadows and highlights but you can do this with the mouse too. One of my procedures and ways to work is to draft everything before, and everyone should do it, this way I know exactly hows it going to be...
Now select some of your splashs and go to Filter - Blur - Motion Blur, give it a little test and see what you like, this way it looks like they are really moving and gives more depth to the work.
One of the easiest steps in our tutorial. Get your Rectangular Marquee Tool(M) create a new layer and fill it with black, create another layer and use your Polygonal Tool (L) make a selection like the one below.
Create a New layer and name it Soft Shadows, get your Pencil Tool and make a 1px line using black, set this layer to Soft Shadows. Create a layer mask and soften the top and bottom of the line.
Create another new layer and name it "Light" get a big brush like 140px 0% hardness, and lower the opacity to around 10%-20% click 1 time in the center of the door, then choose a smaller brush 80px and do the same thing again.
Get your self some iphone apps, go to google and browse away. Create a New Folder and put them in individual layers each one.
Select your mail app layer, or whatever you using here and put them below our "light layer", ok now create a new layer and name it "lightmailapp" get a small 0% hardness brush using about 5% opacity, choose white as your color and give it some small light there as you see the picture.
Now create a new layer and put it below our mail app layer, again using 5% opacity brush, get your black color and use a small brush with about 50% hardness.
Easy, simply select your app layer, create a layer mask and using a 50% hardness brush simply start erasing to look like the liquid is "eating" the app, and after that use a hard brush to make it look good.
- Put it by the side of the liquid
- Using the Elipse marquee tool(M) make a selection like that.
- Using a gradient of Black to Transparent Radial.
- Gaussian Blur it a little, and take down the opacity.
Go to Select -> Modify -> Contract and give this a value of 5px.
Tutorial Finished.
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